Mainly hiking combined with cycling and coach sightseeing tours.

Karpacz is a charming and lively mountain town situated at the foot of the highest peak of the Sudetenland – Snieżka. Karpacz is not only beautifully situated but it is also one of the main hubs of hiking and biking routes. That’s why we decided to make it our base for this program. We will be able to follow hiking trails leading to the most interesting and charming corners of this part of the Sudetenland, both on Polish and Czech side of the mountains. From here, we go by bike to the beautiful land of Rudawski Landscape Park, where trails lead along rivers, through picturesque forests and meadows, villages, hills, and near palace complexes. We also take two bus trips to see some of the most outstanding monuments of military and castle architecture. Thanks to the convenient location of Karpacz, we will have the opportunity to visit three countries: Poland, Czech Republic and Germany.

Trip info

Destination: Sudetes Mountains, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany
Best time: June, July, August, September, October
Duration: 8 days
Profile: 3 hikes into the higher and lower parts of the mountains, 1 cycling trip and 2 coach sightseeing trips.
Activity level: moderate. Routes vary – sometime narrow and exposed; located at 600-1400 meters above sea level (1,740 – 4,590 feet). Generally good paths but some rocky, stony terrain or wetland. We can adjust the activity level according to the wishes/skills of the participants.
Accommodation: Twin/DBL rooms in 3 * hotel
Board: HB (other board type on request)
Group size: 6 – 20 people
Clothing: in addition to the usual holiday clothing you must take: sports footwear with thick soles, trekking boots or walking shoes, comfortable clothing, wind and rain resistant jacket, warm jumper or sweater and, just in case, hat and gloves, sun glasses. Trekking poles would be very helpful.
Price includes: transfers from and to the airport, local transportation, assistance of our representative from arrival to departure, mountain guiding service during trek, accommodation in Twin/DBL rooms in 3* hotel, full board, mineral water during treks, medical expenses and accident insurance, entry fees to National Park, provision of the bikes.
Price excludes: flights, local tips, optional excursions/activities/meals/beverages.



Day 1
Arrival at Prague, Dresden or Wroclaw, where our representative will greet you; transfer to a hotel located in the mountain town of Karpacz; check-in; welcome meeting and briefing, free time. Transfer time: approximately 2 hrs. 30 min.

Day 2
Trek to Okraj Pass
Total time: 7 hrs. including meal breaks and rest.
Altitude: starting point – 870 m, highest point – 1170 m, final point – 870 m.
Total ascent: 800 m.
Overall route length: 14 km
After leaving the hotel, we head down the main pedestrian street of the city to the Wilcza Poręba district, where we enter the forest and follow the black trail heading towards Krucze Skały (Raven Rocks). After passing this interesting rock formation, we turn to the green trail, called the Tabaczana Path, traverse Kowarski Ridge, and come to the Kowarski Pass on Poland’s border with the Czech Republic. After lunch, we take a red trail and go on Kowarski Ridge. We come to the Przełęcz Sowia, take a green trail and descend to Sowia Dolina – one of the most beautiful valleys in the Sudetenland. After crossing the valley, we reach the hotel, following the green trial almost all the time. At the hotel, we rest, have dinner and a briefing regarding the next day.

Day 3
Trek to a Czech mountain town, Pec pod Sniezkou, and a chairlift trip to the highest peak of the Sudetes, Śnieżka.
Total time: 8 hrs. including meal breaks and rest.
Altitude: starting point – 870 m, highest point – 1602 m, final point – 870 m.
Total ascent: 900 m.
Overall route length: 16 km.
After leaving the hotel, we take a red trail and follow the path through the woods towards the Nad Łomniczką hut. After a short rest, we go up and reach Łomniczka Cirque, the largest cirque of glacial origin in the Sudetenland. We will see a symbolic cemetery, which is a cemetery dedicated to the people who perished in the mountains, located on the west wall of the cirque. Going further up, we reach Równia pod Śnieżką. This part of the trip can be covered on foot or by chairlift, according to the wishes of the participants. After resting and admiring stunning views, we go down to the Czech town of Pec. The descent leads through a picturesque valley, called Obrzy Dul. On our way, we will pass by old water supply systems which provided water to the mountain hostel on Śnieżka at the beginning of the 20th century. We will stop to have lunch in the picturesque town of Pec. After some rest, we will go to the chairlift station, and travel to the highest peak of the Sudetes – Śnieżka. From the top, we descend to Równia pod Sněžkou, then we take the black trail leading through Bialy Jar, along Złoty Potok, and to the hotel. In the hotel, we take some rest, have dinner and a briefing regarding the events of the next day.

Day 4
Coach trip to Koenigstein Fortress in Germany
We check out after breakfast, at approx. 9 a.m. and return to the hotel between 5 and 6 p.m.
On this day we will go to Germany to visit the Koenigstein mountain fortress, which is an excellent example of military European architecture. We will also go on a boat cruise on the Elba River, which flows at the foot of the fortress hill. The fortress is situated on a cliff top, at the height of 247 meters above the river. The first records of the building appeared as early as the thirteenth century. At that time the object was a fortified castle built by the Czechs. The castle was located exactly on the border between the Czech territory and Westmarch Meissen. At the beginning of the fifteenth century (1408), the fortification was taken over by the ruling Saxon Wettin dynasty, and it was converted into a fortress over the following centuries. The works on the fortress lasted from 1559 to 1731. An interesting highlight of the day is that from Poland to Germany and back, we will go through the Czech Republic so in one day we will be in three countries. As Czech Republic is a country known for its production of fine beers, we will stop for dinner at one of the many breweries in the region on the way back.

Day 5
Trip to Książ Castle, fascinating history and guests of the castle from the 13th century to the present day.
We check out after breakfast, at approx. 9 a.m., and return to the hotel between 5 and 6 p.m.
Książ Castle is a residential complex located approximately 50 km from our hotel. It was built in the years 1288 – 1292 by Prince Bolko I Surowy, one of the  rulers of  Swidnicko-Jaworskie Duchy. In the following centuries the castle continuously changed hands. It was interchangeably claimed by Czech and German dukes, and it was constantly being extended by them. The castle hosted the most significant personalities from Poland and other countries including the Emperor of  Russia, Nicholas I Romanov, and the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. During World War II the castle was adopted as one of Hitler’s quarters. It also served as a storehouse for the collection of Berlin State Library. Ksiaż Castle has been systematically restored for several years now and it is currently the third largest castle in Poland.

Day 6
Trek to Spindlerovy Młyn, a Czech mountain town
Total time: 7 hrs. including meal breaks and rest.
Altitude: starting point – 870 m, highest point – 1422 m, final point – 670 m.
Total ascent: 950 m.
Overall route length: 11 km.
After leaving the hotel, we head towards the Wang temple, a twelfth-century wooden, Norwegian temple. Then, we take a yellow trail, and go gently upwards to the crossroads at Polana. We go across a wooden bridge over wetlands, enter a dense forest, and go up a hill. That brings us to charming and mysterious rock formations hidden in the forest – Pielgrzymy. From there, we take a steeper approach and exit near another rock – Słonecznik. We take a red trail above the mountain lakes, go to the Czech side of the mountains, and reach the Loucni Bouda mountain lodge, where we have lunch. After taking a rest, we traverse under the Kozi Grzbiet ridge to the destination of our trip – the mountain town of Spindlerovy Mlyn. The trail, especially its upper part, is extremely picturesque and abounds with breathtaking views. When we reach the town, we take a rest and have some free time to roam around, and then return by coach to Poland and our hotel.

Day 7
Bike Trip from Karpacz to Wojanów in Rudawski Landscape Park
Total time: 4 hrs. including meal breaks and rest.
Altitude: starting point – 870 m, highest point – 870 m, final point – 270 m.
Total ascent: 1,5 km.
Overall route length: 19 km.
From Karpacz we descend to the foot of the Sudetes and follow the signs to the Rudawski Landscape Park. It is an extremely picturesque land with marvelous views – especially in autumn. The Park offers beautiful nature and a lot of extremely varied routes, winding along rivers, through villages, and deep woods or hills covered with meadows. The route network is quite dense, which gives freedom of choice and allows us to reach many interesting places, such as viewpoints located on the rock formations, or ruins of medieval castles. We are free to choose whichever route we want. Views and nature are not the only things we can admire while wandering, there are also many beautiful palaces and mansions open to visitors. The Wojanów Palace and Łomnica Palace are just two of them, but the two that are exceptionally worth seeing, and that’s why they are on our route. While visiting the palaces, we will have lunch in one of the palaces. After our trip, we return to the hotel by coach.

Day 8
Departure day. We check out after breakfast and transfer to the airport. Transfer time: approximately 2 hrs. 30 min.


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